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You need a sourcing partner in Asia

Asian sourcing is nothing a new concept today – for it opens ways to cut costs, improve productivity and increase effectiveness.However, the use of Asian services also associates with the increased risk of quality control and communication especially related to cultural elements.

Finding quality manufacture(s) is an essential pr-requisite for reducing the risks.But the problem is how you can identify a quality manufacturer or supplier for your products from the huge pool of suppliers listed in most trade portals or those participated in trade shows. Whether it is possible and economical for you to scan through the thousands of suppliers with similar products/outlook displayed in a trade fair; or to go through all the suppliers listed in a trade portal by yourself – we are talking about 200,000 suppliers or more in a portal. Do you communicate well with your suppliers in execution of sourcing – despite of the language and cultural differences? Do you understand the dramatic changes in business, culture, and the government policies in your industry? Do you want the cost or hassle of going overseas? If you don’t have a certain answer, it simply indicates that you need someone else to understand and handle it for you.

Sourcing in Asia is never easy! Good quality sourcing takes a lot of time & resources to build up the supplier and product knowledge database. It includes supplier evaluation, knowledge building and sourcing execution.Leaving your sourcing work to a reliable partner in Asia, you can focus your time & effort in your
core business.

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